The OR function checks if any of the specified conditions are TRUE. It returns TRUE if at least one condition is met, otherwise it returns FALSE.
Syntax 🔗
, [logical2]
, ...
logical1 | The first condition or logical value to evaluate. |
logical2 (Optional) | Additional conditions or logical values to evaluate. You can include up to 255 arguments. |
About OR 🔗
Use the OR function in Excel to check if any of your conditions are TRUE. This function lets you evaluate several logical expressions to see if at least one is true. It's useful for decision-making in data analysis and when working with Boolean logic. By combining logical tests with the OR function, you can quickly find cases where any condition is met, helping you work efficiently in Excel.
Examples 🔗
Suppose you want to check if either of two conditions are met: if the value in cell A1 is greater than 10 or if the value in cell B1 is less than 5. Use the OR formula: =OR(A1 > 10, B1 < 5)
Consider a scenario where you need to determine if at least one of three conditions is TRUE: if the text in cell A1 is 'Yes', or if the value in cell B1 is equal to 100, or if cell C1 contains a date. Use the OR formula: =OR(A1 = 'Yes', B1 = 100, ISDATE(C1))
Notes 🔗
Use the OR function when you need to evaluate multiple conditions at once and determine if at least one condition is true. It's often used with other logical functions to build complex logical tests.
Questions 🔗
The OR function in Excel can evaluate up to 255 conditions or logical values, enabling you to analyze a significant number of conditions within a single formula.
What does the OR function return if none of the conditions are TRUE?If none of the specified conditions in the OR function are met, it returns FALSE as the final result.
Can the OR function be combined with other logical functions in Excel?Certainly, the OR function can be effectively combined with other logical functions like AND, NOT, or nested IF statements in Excel to create intricate logical tests and decision-making structures based on multiple criteria.