The AND function checks if all arguments evaluate to TRUE. It returns TRUE if all are TRUE; otherwise, it returns FALSE. This function is used to test multiple conditions in Excel formulas.

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Example explanation
Cell range [D2:D5] use the AND function to check if the scores in columns B and C are both greater than or equal to 50. If both conditions are met, it returns TRUE; otherwise, it returns FALSE.

Syntax 🔗

=AND(logical1, logical2, ...)

logical1 The first condition or expression to be evaluated.
logical2 The second condition or expression to be evaluated.
... Additional conditions or expressions to be evaluated.
logical254 The 254th condition or expression to be evaluated.
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About AND 🔗

Use the AND function when you want to check if multiple conditions are all true at the same time. It evaluates each condition you specify and returns TRUE only if all conditions are true; otherwise, it returns FALSE. This function helps you determine the overall truthfulness of a set of statements.

Examples 🔗

To verify if both values in cell A1 and A2 are greater than 10, use the AND function: =AND(A1>10, A2>10). This returns TRUE only if both conditions are met.

To check if a student passed both Math and English exams, with Math score in B1 and English score in B2, use: =AND(B1>=50, B2>=50). This returns TRUE only if the student passed both exams.

Notes 🔗

Use the AND function to evaluate multiple conditions. It returns TRUE if all specified conditions are met. If any condition is FALSE, it returns FALSE. Adjust the parameters and arguments to fit your logical criteria.

Questions 🔗

How does the AND function process multiple conditions?

The AND function processes multiple conditions by evaluating each specified condition or expression and returning TRUE only if all conditions are true. It returns FALSE if any of the conditions evaluates to FALSE.

Can the AND function handle more than two conditions?

Yes, the AND function can handle up to 254 conditions or expressions in a single formula. It allows you to test a multitude of logical criteria simultaneously.


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