The ISODD function in Excel is used to check if a given number is odd or not. It returns TRUE if the number is odd and FALSE if it is not.

Syntax 🔗


number The number you want to check if it is odd or not.

About ISODD 🔗

When you need a quick way to determine whether a number is odd or even within Excel, the ISODD function is your trusty companion. It provides a straightforward solution for identifying odd numbers, offering a convenient tool for numerical analysis and data processing tasks. ISODD aids in streamlining computations by swiftly confirming the oddity of a given number, simplifying decision-making processes and enhancing efficiency in Excel usage.

Examples 🔗

Suppose you want to check if the number 27 is odd. You can use the ISODD function as follows: =ISODD(27). This will return TRUE since 27 is an odd number.

If you wish to verify if the number 42 is odd or even, you can employ the ISODD function in this manner: =ISODD(42). The output in this case would be FALSE since 42 is an even number.

Notes 🔗

The ISODD function only works with numerical values in Excel. It evaluates whether a number is odd based on its integer value, disregarding any decimal components. When using the ISODD function, ensure the input argument is a valid number to obtain accurate results.

Questions 🔗

What does the ISODD function return if the input number is not an integer?

The ISODD function only considers the integer part of the input number when determining its oddity. If the input number is not an integer (contains decimal components), the function will still evaluate the integer part and return TRUE if that part is odd, and FALSE if it is not.

Can the ISODD function be used with cell references in Excel?

Yes, you can use cell references as input for the ISODD function in Excel. Simply refer to the cell containing the number you want to check for oddity. For example, if the number is in cell A1, the formula would be =ISODD(A1).

Is there an equivalent function in Excel to check if a number is even?

Yes, in Excel, you can use the ISEVEN function to check if a number is even. It functions similarly to ISODD but returns TRUE for even numbers and FALSE for odd numbers.


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