The ISERR function checks if a value is an error other than #N/A. It returns TRUE for any error except #N/A and FALSE otherwise.

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Example explanation
The ISERR function checks if a value is an error, except for #N/A, and returns TRUE if it is. Cells C2 to C5 use ISERR to determine if the calculations in column B result in an error.

Syntax 🔗


value The value you want to check for an error other than #N/A.

About ISERR 🔗

Use the ISERR function in Excel to check if a cell contains an error, excluding #N/A. This helps you handle errors and validate data in your spreadsheets. It's useful when you have formulas that might result in different error types, and you need to identify them for further analysis or correction.

Examples 🔗

In cell B1, enter =ISERR(A1) to determine if the formula in cell A1 results in an error other than #N/A. This will return TRUE for any such error, and FALSE if the result is #N/A or not an error.

To test a specific value, use ISERR directly with the value. For example, =ISERR(1/0) will yield TRUE, as dividing by zero produces a #DIV/0! error, which ISERR identifies as an error other than #N/A.

Notes 🔗

Use ISERR to identify errors in your data, except for #N/A. This function helps you focus on errors other than #N/A, which is handled differently. Consider which errors you expect to see when applying ISERR.

Questions 🔗

What does the ISERR function return if the value is #N/A?

If the value being checked is #N/A, the ISERR function will return FALSE. #N/A is not considered an error by ISERR and is treated as a distinct case.

How can I use the ISERR function in combination with other functions?

You can incorporate the ISERR function within logical functions like IF to create dynamic error-handling mechanisms. For example, you can use =IF(ISERR(A1), "Error Found", "No Error") to display custom messages based on whether the value in cell A1 is an error.

Can ISERR be used to check for a specific type of error, such as #DIV/0!?

No, ISERR is intended to assess whether a value is any error other than #N/A in a generic sense. If you need to target specific error types like #DIV/0!, you may consider using other IS functions like ISERROR or ISDIV0.


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