The ISLOGICAL function checks if a value is a logical value, either TRUE or FALSE. It returns TRUE if the value is logical, otherwise it returns FALSE.

A blurred spreadsheet editor.

Example explanation
Cells A2 to A5 show different values and expressions, while their corresponding cells in column B use the ISLOGICAL function to evaluate if each entry is a logical value (TRUE or FALSE).

Syntax 🔗


value The value you want to check if it is logical (TRUE or FALSE).


Use the ISLOGICAL function to check if a value is a logical TRUE or FALSE. This function helps you determine if an input qualifies as a logical value based on Excel's criteria. With ISLOGICAL, you can easily identify if a cell contains logical TRUE/FALSE content, aiding in data validation and spreadsheet manipulations.

Examples 🔗

To determine if a cell contains a logical value like TRUE, use the ISLOGICAL function. If TRUE is in cell A1, the formula is: =ISLOGICAL(A1)

To check if a cell contains a logical value such as FALSE, apply the ISLOGICAL function. If FALSE is in cell B5, the formula is: =ISLOGICAL(B5)

Notes 🔗

The ISLOGICAL function is useful when you are working with datasets that include logical values. It can help in detecting errors or verifying processes to ensure data consistency and accuracy.

Questions 🔗

What does the ISLOGICAL function return if the value provided is TRUE?

The ISLOGICAL function will return TRUE if the value provided to it is the logical value TRUE.

What does the ISLOGICAL function return if the value provided is not TRUE or FALSE?

If the value provided to the ISLOGICAL function is not TRUE or FALSE, it will return FALSE.

Can the ISLOGICAL function be used with text values?

No, the ISLOGICAL function is designed to specifically check for logical TRUE or FALSE values. It will not return TRUE for text values, even if they resemble 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.


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