The AGGREGATE function performs calculations on ranges of data using pre-defined functions. It allows you to ignore hidden rows or error values within the range.

Syntax 🔗

=AGGREGATE(function_num, options, ref1, [ref2], ...)

function_num The numerical code representing the aggregate function to be used. It determines the specific calculation to be performed.
options A numerical value that specifies additional settings for the calculation, such as ignoring error values or hidden rows.
ref1 The first reference to the range of data to be included in the calculation.
ref2 (Optional) Additional references to ranges of data, allowing for multiple input ranges to be considered in the calculation.
... Additional references to ranges of data, allowing for multiple input ranges to be considered in the calculation.


The AGGREGATE function helps you perform calculations on data ranges in Excel. It offers a variety of aggregate functions, such as SUM and AVERAGE, as well as more complex statistical and financial calculations. This function allows you to customize your calculations by choosing options to ignore error values or hidden rows, giving you more control over the accuracy and relevance of your results.

Examples 🔗

To find the average of a range, excluding hidden rows and error values, use the AGGREGATE formula: =AGGREGATE(1, 6, A1:A10)

To calculate the maximum value in a range, considering only visible cells, use the AGGREGATE formula: =AGGREGATE(4, 5, B1:B20)

Notes 🔗

Use the AGGREGATE function for a range of calculations, with the option to ignore hidden rows or errors in your data. This can be helpful when you need specific calculations for decision making or analysis. Pay attention to the function_num and options parameters to fully utilize AGGREGATE for various calculation needs in Excel.

Questions 🔗

What are some common aggregate functions that can be used with the AGGREGATE function?

The AGGREGATE function supports a variety of aggregate functions, including SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, STDEV, and many others. The function_num parameter determines the specific aggregate function to be applied to the data range.

How can the AGGREGATE function handle hidden rows or error values within the data range?

The options parameter in the AGGREGATE function allows for customization to ignore hidden rows (option 2) or error values (option 3), providing control over the data considered in the calculation. This feature ensures the accuracy and relevance of the calculated results.

Can the AGGREGATE function perform calculations on multiple ranges of data?

Yes, the AGGREGATE function allows for multiple ranges of data to be included in the calculation, enabling comprehensive analysis across diverse data sets. This flexibility enhances the utility of the function in addressing complex analytical needs.


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