The PERCENTILE function calculates the k-th percentile of a data set. It is used to determine the value below which a given percentage of data falls. This is helpful in data analysis and statistics.

Syntax 🔗

=PERCENTILE(array, k)

array Array or range of values for which you want to find the k-th percentile.
k The percentile to calculate (0 ≤ k ≤ 1).


Use the PERCENTILE function in Excel to find specific percentiles within your dataset. This function helps you analyze the distribution and spread of your data, which can be useful in fields like business, finance, and research. By identifying the k-th percentile, you gain insights into the characteristics of your data, supporting informed decision-making and statistical evaluation.

Examples 🔗

Suppose you have a list of test scores in cells A1 to A10 and you want to find the 75th percentile of the scores. Use the formula: =PERCENTILE(A1:A10, 0.75). This will return the value representing the 75th percentile.

Consider a dataset of sales figures in cells B1 to B20. To determine the 90th percentile sales value, use: =PERCENTILE(B1:B20, 0.9). This will yield the sales figure below which 90% of the data falls.

Notes 🔗

Use the PERCENTILE function with a numeric array or range as the first argument. The second argument, 'k', should be a decimal between 0 and 1, representing the desired percentile. Adjust the 'k' value to get the specific percentile value from your dataset.

Questions 🔗

How does the PERCENTILE function determine the k-th percentile?

The PERCENTILE function calculates the k-th percentile by sorting the data values in ascending order and then finding the value that corresponds to the specific percentile. It provides a precise measure of where a certain percentage of data points fall within the dataset.

What does the 'k' value represent in the PERCENTILE function?

The 'k' value in the PERCENTILE function represents the desired percentile to calculate. It is a decimal number between 0 and 1, indicating the percentage of data points that are below the obtained percentile value.

Can the PERCENTILE function be used on non-numeric values?

No, the PERCENTILE function requires a numeric array or range of values as input. It is designed to calculate percentiles on numerical datasets and cannot be applied to non-numeric data.


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