The QUARTILE.EXC function is used to calculate the quartile of a dataset at a specified percentile. It is especially handy in statistics and data analysis for determining the values that divide a data set into four equal parts.

Syntax 🔗

=QUARTILE.EXC(array, quart)

array The array or range of values for which you want to calculate the quartile.
quart The quartile number you want to find (1 for the first quartile, 2 for the second quartile, 3 for the third quartile).


In the realm of statistics and data analysis, the QUARTILE.EXC function shines as a versatile tool for determining quartiles within a data set. By utilizing this function in Excel, you gain the ability to segregate your data into four equal parts, facilitating a deeper insight into the distribution of values and aiding in robust decision-making processes.

Examples 🔗

Consider an array of numbers: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50. To find the first quartile (25th percentile) from this dataset, you can use the formula: =QUARTILE.EXC({10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50}, 1). This will return the value of the first quartile, which in this case is 20.

Imagine you have a range of values in cells A1 to A10 and want to determine the third quartile (75th percentile) of these values. You would use the formula: =QUARTILE.EXC(A1:A10, 3). This will provide you with the third quartile value from the specified range of cells.

Notes 🔗

Ensure that the array argument provided to QUARTILE.EXC consists of numerical values or references to cells containing numerical values. The quartile number (e.g., 1, 2, 3) determines which quartile you are interested in calculating within the dataset.

Questions 🔗

How does the QUARTILE.EXC function differ from QUARTILE.INC?

The key difference lies in how Excel handles the calculation of quartiles when dealing with data sets that do not align perfectly with divisible quartile positions. QUARTILE.EXC implements exclusive quartile calculations, while QUARTILE.INC follows an inclusive methodology.

Can QUARTILE.EXC handle datasets with missing or empty cells?

Yes, QUARTILE.EXC can handle datasets with missing or empty cells within the array. The function excludes non-numeric values and empty cells from the calculation of quartiles.

Is it possible to calculate multiple quartiles at once using QUARTILE.EXC?

No, QUARTILE.EXC calculates one quartile value at a time based on the quart argument provided. To find multiple quartiles, you need to use the function separately for each quartile you wish to calculate.


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