The MODE function returns the most frequently occurring number in a range of values. Use it to find the number that appears most often in a dataset.

Syntax 🔗

=MODE(number1, [number2],...)

number1 The first number or range of numbers you want to analyze.
number2 (Optional) Additional numbers or ranges you wish to include in the analysis. You can have up to 255 arguments.

About MODE 🔗

Use the MODE function in Excel to find the number that appears most frequently in your dataset. This function helps you identify the mode, which is the most common value in a set of numbers. It's useful for uncovering patterns and trends in your data, allowing you to make informed decisions without manually searching for the most frequent value.

Examples 🔗

Suppose you have the following dataset in cells A1 to A10: 3, 5, 2, 3, 5, 6, 3, 7, 3, 8. To find the mode (most frequently occurring number), you'd use the formula: =MODE(A1:A10)

Consider another dataset in cells B1 to B6: 10, 20, 10, 30, 30, 20. To find the mode in this case, you'd use: =MODE(B1:B6)

Notes 🔗

The MODE function returns the smallest mode when there are multiple modes in the dataset. A mode is any number that appears more frequently than others. If no number appears more than once, the function will return a #N/A error.

Questions 🔗

What does the MODE function do in Excel?

The MODE function in Excel identifies the number that appears most frequently in a given dataset. It helps users quickly determine the predominant value in a set of numbers.

How does Excel handle multiple modes with the MODE function?

When there are multiple modes (numbers with the same highest frequency), Excel returns the lowest mode among them.

What happens if there is no distinct mode in the dataset?

If no number appears more than once in the dataset (no distinct mode), Excel will return an error (#N/A) as there is no single value that occurs more frequently than others.


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