The BAHTTEXT function converts a number into Thai text representation in the baht currency format. It is useful for financial documents or applications needing amounts in Thai Baht words.

Syntax 🔗


number The numerical value that you want to convert into Thai text representation.


Use the BAHTTEXT function to convert numbers into Thai text, suitable for financial documents, invoices, or reports in Thai language or currency. This function helps ensure accurate representation of monetary values in Thai, aiding clear communication of financial information.

Examples 🔗

To display the number 123456.78 in Thai Baht text format, use the formula: =BAHTTEXT(123456.78)

To represent the number 7890.50 in Thai Baht words, enter the following formula: =BAHTTEXT(7890.50)

Notes 🔗

Use the BAHTTEXT function to convert numbers to Thai Baht text. Ensure your input values are accurate and fall within the correct range for proper conversion to Thai text.

Questions 🔗

Can the BAHTTEXT function be used for languages other than Thai?

No, the BAHTTEXT function is designed specifically for converting numerical values into Thai text representation, particularly for Thai Baht currency. It is not intended for use with other languages or currency formats.

What range of numbers can the BAHTTEXT function handle?

The BAHTTEXT function can handle a wide range of numerical values, including both whole numbers and decimals, within the precision limits of Excel. It is important to ensure that the input numbers are within the acceptable range for accurate conversion to Thai text representation.


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