The UNICODE function returns the Unicode value of the first character in a text string. It is commonly used to convert characters to their corresponding Unicode values for various purposes, such as programming, data manipulation, and language processing.

Syntax 🔗


text The text string for which you want to find the Unicode value of the first character.


When dealing with text and character processing in Excel, the UNICODE function comes in handy for extracting the Unicode value of a specific character within a given text string. It aids in textual analysis, multilingual data handling, and coding tasks by providing a straightforward way to retrieve the Unicode representation of characters. This functionality proves particularly beneficial in scenarios involving character encoding, language detection, and text transformation tasks.

Examples 🔗

If you have the text string 'Hello' in cell A1, and you want to find the Unicode value of the first character 'H', you can use the formula:


This will return the Unicode value corresponding to the character 'H' in the cell A1.

Suppose you have the text string 'Excel' in cell B1, and you want to get the Unicode value for the first character 'E', the formula would be:


This will give you the Unicode value of 'E'.

Notes 🔗

Ensure that the text string provided as the argument to the UNICODE function contains at least one character. If an empty string or blank cell is passed as the argument, the function will return an error. Additionally, the UNICODE function may behave differently based on the character encoding or language settings of your Excel environment, so results may vary in non-Unicode environments.

Questions 🔗

What is the Unicode value returned by the UNICODE function?

The UNICODE function returns the Unicode value of the first character in the specified text string. Each character in the UNICODE standard has a unique numerical representation, allowing for consistent cross-platform character encoding and internationalization.

Can the UNICODE function handle non-Latin characters and symbols?

Yes, the UNICODE function can handle a wide range of characters from various languages and symbol sets. It accurately retrieves the Unicode values for characters regardless of their language or symbol type, making it versatile for cross-lingual text operations.

In what scenarios would you use the UNICODE function?

The UNICODE function is useful in programming, text analysis, data processing, and language-related tasks where the conversion of characters to their Unicode representations is required. It is often used in conjunction with other text functions to manipulate, analyze, or transform textual data.


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