The QUOTIENT function in Excel returns the integer portion of a division between two numbers, discarding any remainder. It is useful when you only need the whole number result of a division.
Syntax 🔗
, denominator
numerator | The number to be divided. |
denominator | The number by which the numerator is divided. |
When you need a quick way to calculate the whole number quotient of a division operation in Excel, the QUOTIENT function comes to your rescue. It simplifies the process by providing you with just the integer part of the division outcome, omitting any decimal or fractional remainder. This proves beneficial in scenarios where you are solely interested in the whole number result and wish to discard the remainder portion of the division.
Examples 🔗
If you want to find the integer quotient when dividing 15 by 4, you would use the formula: =QUOTIENT(15, 4). This would return the result of 3, the whole number part of the division.
In another scenario, if you are dividing 20 by 7 and are only interested in the whole number part, you would use: =QUOTIENT(20, 7). This would give you the output of 2, discarding any remainder.
Notes 🔗
Ensure that both the numerator
and denominator
are valid numeric values. The QUOTIENT function can simplify calculations when you require only the integer part of the division outcome and no remainder.
Questions 🔗
The QUOTIENT function returns the whole number quotient of the division operation between the provided numbers, discarding any decimal or fractional remainder.
When is it useful to use the QUOTIENT function?The QUOTIENT function is useful when you need to quickly determine the integer part of the result of a division operation and are not concerned with retaining the remainder.
Can the QUOTIENT function handle decimal or fractional results?No, the QUOTIENT function explicitly provides only the integer portion of the division result. Any decimal or fractional remainder is disregarded in the output.