The MIDB function returns a specific number of characters from the middle of a text string, starting at a specified position. It is used to extract substrings from larger text strings in Excel.

Syntax 🔗

=MIDB(Text, Start_num, Num_chars)

Text The text string from which characters will be extracted.
Start_num The starting position within the text string to begin extraction.
Num_chars The number of characters to extract from the text string starting from the specified start position.

About MIDB 🔗

If you need to extract certain segments from the middle of a text string, the MIDB function can help. By specifying the original text, the starting position, and the number of characters you want, you can easily obtain the desired substring. This function is useful for handling text data like product codes or file names, making the extraction process straightforward and efficient.

Examples 🔗

Consider the text string 'ExcelRocks123'. If you want to extract the characters 'Rocks' starting from the 5th position, use the formula: =MIDB('ExcelRocks123', 5, 5)

Suppose you have the text 'DataIsFun789' and you need to extract 'Fun' starting from the 7th character. Use the formula: =MIDB('DataIsFun789', 7, 3)

Notes 🔗

Use the MIDB function to extract specific sections from lengthy text strings. This function is helpful when manual extraction may be cumbersome or prone to errors. It works efficiently on cells containing text and can be combined with other functions for advanced data manipulation.

Questions 🔗

Can the MIDB function be used to extract text from the beginning or end of a string?

Yes, the MIDB function can extract characters from any position within the text string. By adjusting the Start_num and Num_chars arguments, you can target the desired segment from the middle of the string.

Is the case sensitivity of letters taken into account by the MIDB function?

Yes, the MIDB function is case-sensitive, meaning that it will extract characters exactly as they appear in the text string. Ensure consistency in letter cases when specifying the segment to be extracted.

Can the MIDB function handle non-alphanumeric characters in the text string?

Yes, the MIDB function can handle non-alphanumeric characters within the text string. It will accurately extract the specified number of characters starting from the designated position, regardless of the character type.


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