The ISO.CEILING function rounds a number up to the nearest integer or multiple of significance according to the ISO standard. It is useful for financial calculations and compliance with specific international standards. This function ensures rounding rules are followed accurately.

Syntax 🔗

=ISO.CEILING(number, significance)

number The number you want to round up.
significance The multiple to which you want to round up the number.


Use the ISO.CEILING function in Excel to round numbers up to the nearest multiple of significance according to international standards. This function is helpful when you need to ensure compliance with specific rounding requirements, such as in financial calculations or other fields where precise rounding is important. ISO.CEILING helps maintain accuracy and consistency in your data.

Examples 🔗

To round the number 12.36 up to the nearest multiple of 5 based on the ISO standard, use the formula: =ISO.CEILING(12.36, 5). This returns 15.

For rounding 235.78 up to the nearest multiple of 50 according to ISO standards, use the formula: =ISO.CEILING(235.78, 50). This yields 250.

Notes 🔗

Ensure that both the `number` and `significance` arguments are numerical values. Be mindful of the implications of rounding numbers according to the ISO standard, as it may differ from standard rounding methods in Excel.

Questions 🔗

How does the ISO.CEILING function differ from the CEILING function in Excel?

While both functions are used for rounding numbers up, ISO.CEILING specifically adheres to the ISO standard for rounded values. The CEILING function in Excel uses standard arithmetic rounding rules, whereas ISO.CEILING follows the rounding guidelines set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Can I use negative numbers with the ISO.CEILING function?

Yes, you can use negative numbers with the ISO.CEILING function. It will still round the number up to the nearest multiple of the specified significance, whether the input number is positive or negative.

What happens if the number is already a multiple of the significance in ISO.CEILING?

If the number provided is already a multiple of the significance, ISO.CEILING will return the number itself without any rounding adjustments. This ensures that only numbers needing rounding are affected by the function.


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