The IMSQRT function returns the square root of a complex number. Complex numbers are used in many scientific and engineering calculations.

Syntax 🔗


inumber A complex number for which you want the square root.

About IMSQRT 🔗

If you ever find yourself dealing with complex numbers in Excel and need to find their square roots, the IMSQRT function is your go-to. This function calculates the square root of a complex number, which is represented in the form 'a+bi' or 'a+bj'. Here, 'a' and 'b' are real numbers, while 'i' or 'j' denote the imaginary part (yes, this is the same 'i' from high school math representing the square root of -1). With IMSQRT, you can quickly and accurately perform these computations within your spreadsheet, making it an invaluable tool for engineers, scientists, and anyone diving into complex math operations.

To use IMSQRT, you simply need to provide a complex number as its argument. Excel will then return the square root in complex number format. The best part? Excel's in-built capabilities handle the heavy math, so you don't have to manually calculate the real and imaginary parts.

Examples 🔗

Let's say you have a complex number '4+16i'. To find its square root, you would use:


This returns '3+2i', which is the square root of the complex number '4+16i'.

Suppose you have a complex number '-4-16i'. To find its square root, you would use:


This returns '2-4i', which is the square root of the complex number '-4-16i'.

Notes 🔗

Ensure that your complex numbers are formatted correctly (e.g., in the form 'a+bi' or 'a+bj') for the function to work properly. If your input is not a valid complex number, Excel will return an error.

Questions 🔗

What is a complex number?

A complex number is a number that consists of a real part and an imaginary part, typically written in the form 'a+bi' or 'a+bj', where 'a' is the real part and 'bi' or 'bj' is the imaginary part.

What does IMSQRT return?

IMSQRT returns the square root of a given complex number in the same complex number format.

Can IMSQRT handle negative real numbers?

Yes, IMSQRT can handle negative real numbers by converting them into complex numbers with an imaginary part.


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