The EXPON.DIST function calculates the probability density or cumulative distribution for an exponential distribution. It is used in statistics to model the time between events occurring continuously at a constant average rate.

Syntax 🔗

=EXPON.DIST(x, lambda, cumulative)

x The value at which to evaluate the function.
lambda The rate parameter of the distribution.
cumulative A logical value that determines the function to be evaluated: TRUE for the cumulative distribution function and FALSE for the probability density function.


Use the EXPON.DIST function in Excel to understand the probability distribution of time between continuous, independent events occurring at a constant rate. This function helps you calculate the probability density of a single value or determine cumulative probabilities along the distribution curve. By applying the rate parameter (lambda) and the logical parameter for cumulative evaluation, you can customize the output to fit your analytical needs. EXPON.DIST is a useful tool for analyzing exponential distributions in statistical analyses.

Examples 🔗

To find the probability density at x=2 for an exponential distribution with a rate parameter of 0.5, use the formula: =EXPON.DIST(2, 0.5, FALSE)

To calculate the cumulative distribution function value at x=1.5 for an exponential distribution with a rate parameter of 0.3, apply the formula: =EXPON.DIST(1.5, 0.3, TRUE)

Notes 🔗

Ensure the x and lambda values align with your exponential distribution scenario. Set the cumulative parameter to TRUE for cumulative distribution evaluation or FALSE for probability density function assessment.

Questions 🔗

How does the EXPON.DIST function handle the rate parameter in the exponential distribution?

The rate parameter (lambda) in the EXPON.DIST function represents the average rate at which events occur in the exponential distribution. It influences the shape of the distribution curve and plays a crucial role in determining the probability density and cumulative probabilities for the distribution.

What does the cumulative parameter signify in the EXPON.DIST function?

The cumulative parameter in the EXPON.DIST function determines the type of evaluation to be performed. Setting it to TRUE calculates the cumulative distribution function, providing the probability that a random variable is less than or equal to a specified value. Conversely, setting it to FALSE computes the probability density function, giving the probability density at a specific value.

In what scenarios is the EXPON.DIST function primarily used?

The EXPON.DIST function finds application in modeling scenarios where events occur continuously and independently at a constant average rate. It is commonly utilized in fields such as reliability engineering, queuing theory, and survival analysis to analyze the time between events in a statistically significant manner.


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