The DATE function creates a date by specifying the year, month, and day. It is useful for constructing a date value from individual components.

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Example explanation
Cell D2 uses the DATE function to concatenate the year, month, and day separately entered in cells B1, B2 and B3 to produce a complete date.

Syntax 🔗

=DATE(year, month, day)

year The year component of the date.
month The month component of the date.
day The day component of the date.

About DATE 🔗

Use the DATE function to create a date value by specifying the year, month, and day elements. This function helps you construct a specific date, allowing for precise date calculations or formatting tasks in Excel.

Examples 🔗

To create the date June 15, 2022, you can use the DATE function as follows: =DATE(2022, 6, 15)

To find the date 90 days after a specific date, consider using the DATE function along with the DAY, MONTH, and YEAR functions to perform the calculations.

Notes 🔗

Ensure the values for year, month, and day are within valid ranges supported by Excel. The DATE function produces a serial number recognized by Excel as a date. Format this serial number as a date using Excel's date formatting options.

Questions 🔗

How does the DATE function work in Excel?

The DATE function in Excel constructs a date based on the year, month, and day components provided as arguments. It returns a serial number representing the specified date, which can then be formatted as a date in Excel.

Can the DATE function handle dates before the year 1900 or after the year 9999?

Yes, the DATE function in Excel can handle dates ranging from January 1, 1900, to December 31, 9999. Dates outside of this range are not supported by Excel's DATE function.

What happens if invalid values are provided to the DATE function?

If invalid values are provided to the DATE function, such as a month greater than 12 or a day greater than the maximum number of days in the specified month, Excel will return a #VALUE! error.


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