The SUM function in Excel is used to add up a range of numbers or cells. It is one of the most commonly used functions for basic arithmetic calculations and totaling values in a spreadsheet.

Example explanation
The sum function sums the values given. If you use the range [B2:B5] as argument it will sum the values given in that range.
Another solution would be to use =SUM(B2, B3, B4, B5) or even =SUM(B2:B4, B5). Really any combination of numbers and/or ranges works.
Syntax 🔗
, number2
, ...)
number1 | The first number or range of cells to be added. |
number2 | Subsequent numbers or ranges to be added. |
... | You can include multiple numbers or ranges separated by commas to add them together. |
About SUM 🔗
When you need to quickly calculate the total of a set of numbers in Excel, the SUM function comes to the rescue. Whether you are summing up a column of expenses, a row of sales figures, or any numerical data, SUM simplifies the process of adding values without manual calculations. It is the go-to function for performing basic arithmetic operations in a spreadsheet, saving you time and effort in tallying up numerical data accurately and efficiently.
Examples 🔗
You have a list of numbers in cells A1 to A5 (5, 10, 15, 20, 25), and you want to find the total. The SUM formula would be: =SUM(A1:A5).
You want to add up specific numbers like 100, 200, and 300. The SUM formula would be: =SUM(100, 200, 300).
Notes 🔗
The SUM function can handle a mix of individual numbers and cell references within the same formula. It automatically ignores any non-numeric values within the selected range. Ensure that the values you are summing are formatted as numbers and that no text or empty cells are included as it can affect the result.
Questions 🔗
Yes, the SUM function can add up both positive and negative numbers. Simply include the numbers with their appropriate signs within the function, and it will provide the sum accordingly.
Is there a limit to the number of values the SUM function can add?Excel allows the SUM function to add up to 255 arguments in a single formula. If you need to sum a larger set of values, consider using array formulas or breaking down the calculation into multiple SUM functions.
Can the SUM function handle empty cells within the selected range?Yes, the SUM function automatically ignores empty cells and text values within the range. It focuses solely on numerical values for the calculation, ensuring accurate results without being affected by non-numeric data.