The ODDFPRICE function is used to calculate the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest at odd frequencies. It is particularly useful in financial analysis for valuing bonds with irregular payment schedules.

Syntax 🔗

=ODDFPRICE(Settlement, Maturity, Issue, First_coup, Rate, Yld, Redemption, Frequency, [Basis])

Settlement Date of purchase of the security.
Maturity Date when the security matures.
Issue Date of the security's issue.
First_coup Date of the security's first coupon payment.
Rate Annual coupon rate of the security.
Yld Expected annual yield of the security.
Redemption Redemption value at maturity per $100 face value.
Frequency Number of coupon payments per year.
Basis (Optional) The day-count basis to use. Defaults to 0 if omitted.


When you need to evaluate the price of securities with irregular interest payment frequencies, turn to ODDFPRICE in Excel. This function offers a reliable solution for determining the value per $100 face value of bonds with unconventional payment schedules. It's a valuable asset for financial analysts seeking accurate bond valuations in scenarios where standard calculation methods fall short. ODDFPRICE shines in scenarios where traditional pricing methods aren't applicable due to non-standard coupon payment timings and frequencies. To make the most of ODDFPRICE, input key details about the security, including the purchase, maturity, issue, and first coupon payment dates, along with the annual coupon rate, expected yield, redemption value, and coupon payment frequency. Tailor the calculation by specifying the type of day-count basis to be used. Excel calculates the price per $100 face value, giving you a precise valuation of the security in question. Trust ODDFPRICE to navigate the complexities of valuing bonds with non-traditional payment structures and empower your financial analyses with accurate pricing information.

Examples 🔗

Assume you purchase a bond on January 15, 2022, with a maturity date of December 31, 2024. The bond was issued on July 1, 2021, and the first coupon payment is due on September 30, 2022. The bond has an annual coupon rate of 4%, an expected annual yield of 5%, a redemption value of $1,000, and pays semi-annually. To calculate the price per $100 face value, you would use the ODDFPRICE formula as follows: =ODDFPRICE("01/15/2022", "12/31/2024", "07/01/2021", "09/30/2022", 0.04, 0.05, 1000, 2)

Consider a bond purchased on March 10, 2021, with a maturity date of October 15, 2023. The bond's issue date is January 1, 2021, and the first coupon payment is on April 15, 2021. The bond offers a 3% annual coupon rate, an expected yield of 4%, a redemption value of $500, and pays quarterly. The ODDFPRICE formula for calculating the price per $100 face value in this case would be: =ODDFPRICE("03/10/2021", "10/15/2023", "01/01/2021", "04/15/2021", 0.03, 0.04, 500, 4)

Notes 🔗

Ensure all dates are entered as valid Excel date values or references to cells containing valid date values. The ODDFPRICE function accounts for irregular coupon payment schedules and offers flexibility in pricing securities with non-standard payment frequencies. Adjust the function parameters according to the specific attributes of the bond or security being evaluated.

Questions 🔗

How does ODDFPRICE handle bonds with irregular coupon payment frequencies?

ODDFPRICE is designed to handle bonds with irregular coupon payment frequencies by providing a mechanism to calculate the price per $100 face value of securities with non-standard payment schedules. It accommodates scenarios where traditional pricing models may not be applicable due to irregular coupon timings.

What role does the First_coup date play in the ODDFPRICE function?

The First_coup date in the ODDFPRICE function signifies the date when the security's first coupon payment is due. It aids in accurately valuing securities with irregular coupon schedules by incorporating the timing of the initial interest payment into the pricing calculation.

Can I adjust the day-count basis in the ODDFPRICE function?

Yes, you can specify the day-count basis to be used in the ODDFPRICE function by providing a numeric code for the optional Basis argument. This allows you to customize the calculation based on your preferred day-count convention.


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