The NEGBINOM.DIST function calculates the negative binomial distribution. It models the number of failures before a specified number of successes in a series of independent Bernoulli trials.

Syntax 🔗

=NEGBINOM.DIST(Number_F, Number_S, Probability_S, Cumulative)

Number_F The number of failures before the required number of successes.
Number_S The required number of successes.
Probability_S The probability of success in an individual trial.
Cumulative A logical value that determines the form of the function. If TRUE, it returns the cumulative distribution function; if FALSE, it returns the probability mass function.


Use the NEGBINOM.DIST function in Excel to work with the negative binomial distribution. This function helps you calculate the probability of observing a certain number of failures before achieving a specified number of successes in a series of independent trials. It's useful when you have binary outcomes (success or failure) with a fixed probability of success for each trial. The negative binomial distribution is applicable in scenarios like quality control processes or analyzing game probabilities. With NEGBINOM.DIST, you can determine the likelihood of reaching a certain number of failures before the desired successes in your data.

Examples 🔗

Imagine you are conducting a series of trials where the probability of success is 0.3 and you aim to achieve 5 successes. You want to determine the probability of experiencing 2 failures before reaching the 5 successes. The NEGBINOM.DIST formula would be:


This will provide you with the probability of 2 failures before achieving 5 successes in your trials.

Suppose you are analyzing a game where the probability of winning each round is 0.2 and you need 3 wins. You are curious about the cumulative probability of encountering 1 loss before reaching the required 3 wins. The NEGBINOM.DIST formula would be:


This will yield the cumulative distribution function, giving you the cumulative probability of 1 loss before achieving 3 wins in your game.

Notes 🔗

When using the NEGBINOM.DIST function, make sure the values you provide for the arguments fit your scenario. The function assumes that the trials are independent and the probability of success stays constant throughout the trials. Adjust the input values and understand the characteristics of the negative binomial distribution to effectively use this function for probability calculations in different real-world contexts.

Questions 🔗

What does the 'Number_F' parameter represent in the NEGBINOM.DIST function?

The 'Number_F' parameter in NEGBINOM.DIST specifies the number of failures that are expected to occur before reaching the required number of successes in the given sequence of trials.

How does the 'Cumulative' argument influence the NEGBINOM.DIST function's output?

The 'Cumulative' argument in NEGBINOM.DIST determines whether the function returns the cumulative distribution function (TRUE) or the probability mass function (FALSE). If set to TRUE, the function provides the cumulative probability up to and including the specified number of failures. If set to FALSE, the function calculates the probability of the exact number of failures before the required successes.

Can the NEGBINOM.DIST function be used to model real-world scenarios?

Yes, the NEGBINOM.DIST function is commonly applied to model various real-world scenarios involving sequential trials with binary outcomes and a constant probability of success. It can help in predicting the likelihood of encountering a certain number of failures before achieving a specific number of successes in repetitive tasks or events.


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