The FISHERINV function calculates the inverse Fisher transformation on a given value. It is useful in statistical analyses involving correlation coefficients or transformed data.

Syntax 🔗


Y The value for which you want to calculate the inverse Fisher transformation.


Use the FISHERINV function in Excel to perform the reverse Fisher transformation on a given value. This function is helpful when you need to convert transformed data back to its original form, allowing for better interpretation of relationships among variables or correlation coefficients. By using FISHERINV, you can reveal the underlying patterns in your data, supporting a deeper understanding and aiding in decision-making based on statistical insights.

Examples 🔗

To revert a Fisher-transformed value to its original form, use the FISHERINV function. For example, if you have a transformed value of 0.732, enter =FISHERINV(0.732) to get the initial value.

If you need to find the original correlation coefficient from a Fisher-transformed value of 1.929, apply the FISHERINV function: =FISHERINV(1.929). This will return the original correlation coefficient before the transformation.

Notes 🔗

Use the FISHERINV function when you need to find the inverse Fisher transformation of a numerical value Y. Ensure the input is valid and that the inverse transformation fits the context and purpose of your analysis.

Questions 🔗

What does the FISHERINV function do?

The FISHERINV function in Excel calculates the inverse Fisher transformation on a given value, allowing you to reverse the effects of the Fisher transformation and retrieve the original data value.

In what scenarios is the FISHERINV function commonly used?

The FISHERINV function is frequently utilized in statistical analyses, especially when working with correlation coefficients or other data that has undergone a Fisher transformation. It serves as a valuable tool in reverting transformed values to their initial states for enhanced interpretability and analysis.

Can the FISHERINV function handle non-numeric inputs?

No, the FISHERINV function requires a valid numerical input as the value for which you want to calculate the inverse Fisher transformation. Ensure that the provided value aligns with the nature of the Fisher transformation to obtain accurate results.


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