In this short article, I’ll tell you how to calculate someone’s age based on a date of birth and how you may be doing it wrong right now.
Once you realize that age is just the difference in years between a date of birth and the current date, it becomes easy to do. Check the video for the complete explanation.
The formula to calculate age ends up being:
=DATEDIF(Date of birth, TODAY(), “y”)
Pretty simple, huh?
How many days old are you?
You can use other arguments instead of “y” to also calculate how many months and days someone is old. For example:
=DATEDIF(4/29/2020, TODAY(), “ym”)
will return the number of months since this person’s last birthday. So if your birthday is January 1st and it is currently February 1st, this will return 1.
You can combine this to calculate age in years + months. For example, if the date of birth is in cell A1:
=”You are ” & DATEDIF(A1, TODAY(), “y”) & ” years and ” & DATEDIF(A1, TODAY(), “ym”) & ” months old.”
This will return something like: You are 28 years and 3 months old.
You can even add the number of days in there, using “md” as the third argument! We’ll leave that up to you 😉
We hope you learned something today. It’s really quite easy to calculate always up-to-date ages in Excel. If there are any other subjects you’d like us to cover, let us know in the comments.